Amil Greene '22
B.A. Political Science and Sociology
Business Analyst

Amil is the founder and lead of Black Women At Deloitte (Atlanta Chapter) which aims to provide resources and safe spaces for women of color. She is leading the project to expand this organization to more than 700 of the firm’s U.S and global offices within the consulting and advisory practices.

“Being a great businesswoman and leader centers on one idea: identifying a need or gap within the community and then filling that gap with a tool that is mutually beneficial to the entire group. My experience as an Afro-Latinx woman being told a shrinking, oppositional story has transformed me to growing towards my potential. If I could improve the experience of just one other ambitious woman, that was enough.”

The Call To Lead

As an Afro-Latinx student, Amil Greene was drawn to Agnes Scott’s diverse student body where pride in her Panamanian culture would be appreciated. The immersive SUMMIT curriculum and its specific emphasis on honing each student’s individual leadership qualities struck a chord.

Amil’s call to lead flourished in her first year with her transformative Global Journeys experience in Ghana. Her leadership seminar motivated her desire to leave a legacy, and she jumped into campus life. Amil was a student government leader and an admissions ambassador, she initiated an affordable LSAT course for pre-law students and crafted an online audio tour for prospective students all while completing multiple internships including notable Atlanta law firms, Nike, and the National Black MBA Association.

Claiming My Place

Ultimately, Amil decided to use her knowledge of the law, business, and politics to influence government directly as an analyst at Deloitte Consulting. As an Analyst, she is putting her skills to work and reflects on her Constitutional Law course as one learning experience that honed her ability to write, expressing thoughts clearly and succinctly.

Amil feels that her strong critical thinking and communication skills she learned in her Sociology and Political Science majors have heavily contributed to her success. For Amil, Agnes Scott is where she honed her professional agility – being able to learn quickly, accept feedback and improve her skills for the next professional challenge.

“Management consulting is largely anchored in the ability to network onto projects that will make your career soar. Agnes Scott gave me the confidence to assert and advocate for myself in rooms where I was often the only woman. Agnes Scott taught me that I had every tool imaginable to win, I just had to believe I could.”

How I Went Beyond The Books At Agnes Scott College

Amil’s time on campus included many co-curricular activities including two years on student government and class leadership for the Class of 2022, Campus Tour Guide and President of the Publius Pre-Law Society. Amil’s creativity and inspiration on social media motivated women to participate in politics via IGNITE National and to unlock their potential at Dinner Table Doc.

Transforming Tomorrow

Amil serves multiple notable professional organizations in the Atlanta Area including the National Black MBA Association, Next On Board, and the Association of Latino Professionals For America. She plans to leverage her position to give back to young women of color through her public speaking and philanthropic engagements.